The Digital Lawyer - Law with Mamta - Mero Kuraa


The Digital Lawyer - Law with Mamta

        Nowadays, the usage of Tiktok is rising rapidly Since India has banned it, the United States, Australia, and some countries are about to do the same, but in Nepal TikTok use has risen in a couple of months since the COVID-19 lockdown was announced. 

        Tiktok is a platform which allows user to create the videos with a certain time of 60 Second. where the user or Creator can explore their talent.

        Same as we found a creator @lawwithmamta on TikTok a Nepali user who is a lawyer gives information spread legal awareness regarding Nepal's constitutional law to her viewers in a simple way which makes viewers understand easily. Her recent video was about Online Protol Registration, Company Registration, Marrying a Foreigner, Termination of employment, Firing during Covid-19.

        You Can Simply comment on your question on a comment to ask a question about Nepal's constitutional law.