How to Deactivate or Delete Facebook Account Permanently | Method 2024 - Mero Kuraa


How to Deactivate or Delete Facebook Account Permanently | Method 2024


            If you're considering taking a break from Facebook or leaving the platform altogether, it's essential to understand the implications of deactivating or permanently deleting your account. Here's what you need to know:

Permanently Deleting Your Facebook Account
When you permanently delete your Facebook account, the following consequences apply:
  • Account Reactivation: You won't be able to reactivate your account. Once deleted, it's gone for good.
  • Permanent Deletion of Content: All your profile information, including photos, posts, videos, and other content you've added, will be permanently deleted. Retrieving any deleted data is not possible.
  • No Facebook Messenger: You won't have access to Facebook Messenger after deleting your account.
  • Loss of Facebook Login for Other Apps: If you've used Facebook Login to sign up for other apps or services like Spotify or Pinterest, you'll lose access to those accounts. You may need to contact these apps directly to recover your accounts.
  • Visibility of Some Information: Certain information, such as messages you've sent to friends, may still be visible to them even after your account deletion. Copies of these messages are stored in your friends' inboxes.
  • Impact on Meta Quest: If you use your Facebook account to log into Meta Quest, deleting your Facebook account will also delete your Meta Quest information, including app purchases and achievements. You won't be able to return any apps and will lose any existing store credits.
Temporarily Deactivating Your Facebook Account
            If you prefer to take a temporary break from Facebook without losing your data permanently, you can choose to deactivate your account. Here's what happens when you deactivate:
  • Profile Invisibility: Your Facebook profile becomes invisible, and people won't be able to access it.
  • Content Preservation: Your photos, posts, and videos remain untouched during deactivation.
  • Messenger Access: You can still use Facebook Messenger, and your profile picture will be visible in your conversations. People can still search for you by name to send you messages.
  • Facebook Login Continues: You can continue using Facebook Login for other apps and services.
  • Meta Quest Access: Unlike permanent deletion, deactivating your account won't affect your access to Meta Quest or associated information.
How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
            If you've decided to permanently delete your Facebook account, follow these steps:
  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select "Settings & Privacy," then click "Settings."
  3. If "Accounts Center" is at the top left of your Settings menu, proceed with deleting your account through it. If not, you can delete your account through your Facebook Settings.
Delete Your Account Through Accounts Center:
  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select "Settings & Privacy," then click "Settings."
  3. Click on "Accounts Center" at the top left of your screen.
  4. Under "Account Settings," click "Personal details."
  5. Navigate to "Account ownership and control" and click "Deactivation or deletion."
  6. Choose the account or profile you want to delete and select "Delete account."
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the deletion.
Delete Your Account Through Facebook Settings:
  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select "Settings & Privacy," then click "Settings."
  3. Click on "Your Facebook Information."
  4. Choose "Deactivation and Deletion."
  5. Select "Delete Account," then click "Continue to account deletion."
  6. Enter your password and click "Continue" to proceed with account deletion.
Can I Cancel My Account Deletion?
            If you've changed your mind within 30 days of initiating the deletion process, you can cancel your account deletion. After 30 days, your account and all associated information will be permanently deleted.

            Keep in mind that it may take up to 90 days to completely delete all your posted content. Additionally, some copies of your information may remain in backup storage for disaster recovery purposes or legal reasons.

            To cancel your account deletion, simply log into your Facebook account within 30 days of initiating the deletion process and click on "Cancel Deletion."

            If you're ready to proceed with deactivating or deleting your Facebook account, carefully follow the provided instructions. Learn How to Temporarily Deactivate Facebook Account